Tuesday, October 16, 2012

"Secret" drinks at Starbucks.

1. Captain Crunch Frapuccino
Strawberries and Creme Frapuccino with a pump of caramel, two pumps of toffee, one pump of hazelnut and two scoops of chocolate chips.

2. Biscotti Frapuccino
Buy a biscotti and ask the barista to blend it up with any flavor of frapuccino. It blends into tiny cookie chunks that adds a delicious little crunch to your frozen coffee.

3. Neopolitan Frappucino
Ask for a Strawberries and Cream Frapuccino with vanilla bean powder and a pump of mocha

4. Raspberry Cheesecake
Order a White Chocolate Mocha (iced, hot or as a frap) and add a few pumps of raspberry.

5. For a Chocolate Turtle  flavor
Any drink that has mocha, caramel and toffee nut

6. For a French Vanilla flavor
Any drink that has half toffee nut and half vanilla

7. Blended Strawberry Lemonade
Strawberry lemonade frapuccino

8. Oreo Frapuccino
Ask for a double chocolate chip Frap with white mocha syrup instead of the regular mocha

9. Tuxedo Mocha
Order a regular mocha with half white chocolate and half regular chocolate.

10. Nutella
Order a Cafe Misto with a pump of chocolate, a pump of hazelnut with caramel drizzle. For the sweet toothed you can also ask for caramel drizzle inside the cup.

11. Super Cream Frapuccino.
Blend some whipped cream into the drink so that the drink will be more smooth than icy.

12. Three C's
Order a cinnamon Dolce latte with a pump of caramel and a pump of chocolate mocha syrup

13. Chocolate Pumpkin
Order a pumpkin spice latte with chocolate syrup for a drink that tastes like a pumpkin chocolate chip bread.

(From thefw.com)

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